Calendars Work!

Calendars are a terrific way to promote your business and keep your brand in front of customers and prospects all year long. There’s a good reason why you see so many calendars being handed out at the end of each year. Month after month, a desk side or wall-mounted calendar works for you, putting your company’s name and logo before countless eyeballs. From a marketing standpoint, they work… at very reasonable cost!

OxyPro Calendar

Calendars work year-round to promote your business or organization at very reasonable cost.

Multicolor Printing offers a variety of full-color calendar options… from the standard single sheet, to the workhorse, 32 page flip calendar, like the one pictured here, which we produced for OxyPros in 2013.

Calendars are just one way Multicolor Printing can help your company or organization get the exposure it needs to make 2014 a banner year.  Our new, 2014 calendar template is built and ready to go. All we need is your logo and images to produce beautiful calendars you can hand out or mail before the end of the year. HURRY… December will be here before you know it. Want to use your own template? No problem. Just provide us with your completed PDF file.

So… put Multicolor printing on your calendar NOW. Contact us today. We’ll provide all the pricing information you’ll need to decide on a size, format and quantity. Can you order a small quantity of calendars? Of course!. You can order as few as 25, full-color calendars.