Although several, local political races are still to be decided, we would like to thank all the candidates for their participation in the 2012 election process. We are proud we had the opportunity to team with many of the candidates during this election cycle. The products and services we provided to candidates covered pretty much the full-gamut of political printing needs including:

Bumper Stickers


Appeal Letters & Envelopes

Palm Cards




Yard Signs

Candidate Petition Forms

Letterheads & Envelopes

Event Signs

Tee Shirts


Graphic Design

Mailing Services

We would like to thank the following candidates for choosing Multicolor Printing as their printing team member and we look forward to working with them again:

Ed Ciampi

Henry Copeland

Tony George

John Haddox

Nancy Kline

Drew Pittman

Anne Scott

Calvin Turnquist

Allen West

We would be remiss if we did not mention that other candidates asked us to help with their campaigns too, but we had to decline. In the interest of full-disclosure, some candidates chose not to work with us as we were already producing some of their competitor’s materials. We would also like to point out that several candidates chose not to work with local vendors and had their campaign products and services produced outside their local voting district. This seems unconscionable at any time, but seems particularly insensitive in light of the current economic condition of our region.

In addition, we greatly appreciate the opportunity to have produced many of the printing needs for Supervisor of Elections, Vicky Davis and her terrific staff at the Martin County Elections office.